Hi my
name is Grace and I like to read, write + fashion/graphic design and I abhor veggies +
twitbuggers. I'm from EPPS/SHPS/NYGH/ISB (yes, I know, extensive) and I take Spanish as a third
language! I really love Broadway *and* Taylor Swift. And random stuff like the soundtrack of
the movie Once.
Again I get a G rating :D I must've been a really good girl these past two blogs! I'll really miss Eleven To Armageddon, it's taken me through ups and downs of all sorts, plus, if I'm not wrong, it was in this blog period that The Art Collaboration, vaguely- and Muze were created. So this is a milestone blog! *sob*
You guys had better check Muze out, okay. I don't want to have slaved away for nothing. I just spent like one hour doing our Top 10 list and I'm dying to read my waytoointoerik fanfict, which I've missed for far too long. I'll come running,
4:52 AM
-hold on while I cool off from something-
If my mother doesn't come and ask me to redo those calendars I did for my dad, I'm going to update Muze again, this time with All I want for Christmas... and maybe a Celeb Street Style. I could do this my whole life if only I got paid to write on Muze. I'll come running,
3:34 AM
Trying To Be Like Increasingly On Blogskins.com But FAILING
One Second It Was Perfect And Now You're Halfway Out The Door
you don't have to call anymore, I won't pick up the phone.
just updated Muze again, this time with a Red Carpet Lookalike on our fave singer/celeb, Taylor Swift!!!! found really gorgeous heels at Serendipity Soul, except they're vertiginous (oh dear, Eugene's use of adjectives has rubbed off on me miraculously) and also, expensive. [the two heels I used for the post were 39 dollars and 45 (I think) respectively.] but gorgeous all the same, so...
kind of wish I could buy the eyelet dress I featured in the post. it's on sale on The Wildflower blogshop, from 59 to 15 dollars!! comes in white and black but white looks nicer, obviously :D also wish I could go back to cotton on/uniqlo/coax/alano.
I should make a blogskin, I haven't done one for daayyyys.
[/edit] 6 more posts and this blog is kaput! I need a blog name! I'll come running,
1:02 AM
My Clustr Map! My Clustr Map!
[Well, most visits were probably me, checking on the html or tags. But.... let's overlook that, shall we?]
And I have visitors from places like Peru and the Russian Federation! I have a really important message!
If you are someone I don't know, PLEASE, PLEASE, leave a tag! I'd really like to know who visits my blog and what they think of it.
And while you're at it maybe you could drop by Muze as well...? or is that pushing it ._. I'll come running,
12:46 AM
Meltdown, It's Not A Crush
It's so baking hot outside, I swore I would get a sunburn if I put so much as my little toe in the sun when I sat at the bus stop today waiting for 38 or 12 to get back home. Thank goodness it was shaded!
The batch outing today was kind of sad, especially considering it was my first (and probably last, judging by how today's went). I arrived first and hung around the MRT station for a while before Leen came, and she told me she was waiting for CY too. Then Yong turned up but moped around and didn't say anything to us. CY came unexpectedly earlier, followed by Jeremy, I think, and then Sarah. Then slowly guys started to trickle in, like Darren (so tall, damn), JM (ditto- he used to be my height!), Chia (no comment) aaand... um. Oh yes. Jlee, who arrived very very late, no?
-No other girls arrived (Nicki cancelled at the last minute *sob*) but JT turned up some time later. So we trudged around Tampines 1, not really doing anything and most of the time complaining that it was hot, 'cos us girls (fine. Sarah and I) wanted to take advantage of WHERE WE WERE and shop (what else are shopping malls for??) while the guys wanted to go arcade, bowling or to the park.
The arcade it was, since we really had nothing else to do, and I wasted (REALLY WASTED) 2 dollars on buying some card that would let me play games. 1.50 was siphoned off trying to cinch a cute stuffed giraffe (which I didn't get ultimately, of course), while the remaining 50 cents were passed to JM for whatever he wanted to do (I suspect he spent it on Dance Dance Revolution. who knew Yong was so good at dancing? I mean, really).
After a while CY and Leen had to go (Leen to.. home? and CY to cell) so Sarah and I went to the guys, got Jlee's number and happily trotted off to chomp our happy ways through our wallets, which were groaning, obviously, with anticipation. First stop minibits, where Sarah bought some stuff for a friend, and then we went to San Bookshop.
THIS IS THE DISAPPOINTING PART: they didn't let me resell the book I bought on Monday!!! It's a book on the vietnam war (american war to the vietnamese) and I bought it for my dad's birthday, but unfortunately when I gave it to him yesterday it turned out he'd already read and bought it some time ago. however, at the san bookshop they informed me that it's only resellable if you're renting. they didn't state that on the receipt!! D: I could have had 9 bucks more.
then we happily went around. Isetan didn't really have anything and neither, obviously, did Mango (SO EX), but sarah introduced me to COTTON ON and this is where I'm really happy.
I was eyeing a few things (Muze is so obviously going to be updated with Cotton On next), such as a really, really soft denim pencil skirt (it was button-up! so cute!) for 10 bucks; a Gossip-Girl-esque striped skirt for 10 bucks too; blue-yellow-and-white plaid flats for 15, I think; all their ballet flats for 15 too (they also sold 2 for 25, so initially sarah and i were planning to share) and their gladiators for -get this- 7.50.
It won't surprise, I guess, that I opted for the gladiators. I tried on the skirt, but since I'd thought that we'd go to Alano after that (we didn't) I thought I'd buy something less expensive. The gladiators came in black, dark brown and tobacco, so I bought the tobacco after MUCH DEBATE between the dark brown and tobacco. [Black is out of the question. It would match a lot more stuff but it's my humble opinion that black really cuts off feet. One thing I really was biting my lip about was that their black oh-so-soft ballet flats would've really matched the $18 sundress I bought outside Taka yesterday...]
Then we went around some more, irritated the Diva salesperson (in my opinion) by hanging around trying to decide what to buy (Yong initially wanted to buy something for Cayke, with his budget being something like $80- wow! but in the end he backed off, dumkop) and finally not buying anything, cos we wanted to eat first. Bought a nuggets meal at mcdonald's (big waste of money- didn't finish the fries nor the coke) and then went back to Diva at Sarah's behest. she bought a Pacman-like charm bracelet which was really adorable, and then we walked around- drooling at Dorothy Perkins as a slight distraction.
Arrived at Chameleon, which was a welcome haven of relatively cheap prices after seeing so many ... well, expensive stuff. Like Dorothy Perkins. Bought a really Gossip-Girl-like linenish bow pin (blue and white checks!) for 3.90, since their even-GG-ier satin bow hairbands were like 9 dollars a piece. (Somehow, I've been eyeing satin bows everywhere, hoping, maybe, to imitate GG style. I saw a beautiful grey version at Minibits which was way past my budget, and a black one at Diva, but obviously both were too ex.)
Our final destination (well, not really- we looked at a few toy shops afterwards but that was just so we wouldn't get depressed about not being able to buy Topshop) was Uniqlo. I am DETERMINED to bring Mum there; their bright blue hoodies are adorable, and they might be a bit on the ex side but they're sooo soft! Sarah and I were saying we could totally wear their kid's dresses. As tunics, of course. Also saw these gorgeous ruffled skirts, which could be worn high-waist, as shown on the mannequinn.
Saw Canmake's Colorful Nails collection in Seventeen mag, so today when we were walking around Taka and whatever decided to go check out Watson's. Lo and behold they had it! So I bought the blue and turned out they had a discount. Heehee! My mother hates them but who cares, she hated my Sasa glittery-blue nails look too. [I loved them until I had to wipe them off. Glitter is SUPER HARD to wipe off, okay.]
don't waste your fictional tears on me just save them for someone in need it's way too late, I'm closing the door
I love IT'S ALRIGHT, IT'S OK by ashley tisdale! at first I hated it but then now I'm thirsting for her non-HSM music again :D I miss HE SAID SHE SAID. I'll come running,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 /
3:22 AM
It's (almost) officially started! For one, the domain has been granted, so now, you can go to http://www.muze.co.nr/ and graze happily :D I've made 5 banners to promote the site: not too happy about the black-and-white one (it was my first; after making a few more I realized how ugly it really was), but whatever. All pics are from fotodecadent. they have brill pictures, even if they allow nudity in some. [if you skip those then the pictures are awesome :D good quality too. for most.] click to enlarge. for Salma Hayek's banner, I was highly tempted to put "Yes, honey, I'm unsure about him too," because her facial expression was so tempting, but decided that it didn't apply to Muze. Love the first Jessica Alba one though. "The word on everyone's lips." I'll come running,
Monday, June 22, 2009 /
8:37 PM
I Want Nobody, Nobody But You!
I suppose it's humiliating to display one's utter stupidity on a portal where everybody can see and laugh at it, but I must confess: I only just found out that the popular song which inspired this post's title (for my fellow sotongs: Nobody by Wonder Girls) was sung by Asians and not, as I thought, by some ang-moh who decided to add Japanese and this retro remix-like beat to it to make it interesting. Oops?
Am thinking of making several layouts for Muze and putting all their screenshots up here for you guys to vote. I hate Muze's current one. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but in practice it's horrendous. And freedomain still has yet to contact me!!!!!!!!! I'll come running,
7:56 AM
Almost done with my real present for Dad's birthday (bought him a book on the Vietnam war and a memo planner today, but that doesn't count): a calendar for 2010, done wholly on Adobe Photoshop with the help of a website I found that provides the actual table thing with all the dates and days and holidays. [So I just saved all the months.] I just finished August, and that's all for today. He's coming back from work tomorrow night so I think I should be able to finish by then. Here's a teaser: Would want to do the memes on Sher's blog but a quick surf on GFY and I've gotta go to bed. I ALWAYS break the rule "Don't use the computer 1 hour before bedtime." I'll come running,
6:41 AM
What You Do To Me
George Bernard Shaw once said, "There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it."
Saw that on YouTube; off one of the comments on the Hey There Delilah mv. "Definitely so true!" I'll come running,
Haven't watched the video up there (lyricsmode didn't let me copy their lyrics straight so I had to put their video here), but I think this one is pretty good. There are no words for how good Jason Mraz's and Colbie Caillat's voices sound together. When I first heard this I remarked to my brother how much this song sounded like something out of a Nokia commerical; you know, the kind of not-indie-and-yet-sounding-indie songs that you judge as cheesy and yet end up humming the whole whole whole day?
I could listen to this my whole life. Really, I could.
-Then again, maybe not...
I once thought that it would be really nice to be able to have this song apply to your life, but then I thought again and realized it's impossible for me because Ching Ying's a girl and I'm straighter than a ruler.
To satisfy Ching Ying, I am going to post about our outing to Tampines on Friday. [Yes, Tampines too, I'm very boring.] Nicolette was there too. I don't really remember where we went first- oh yes, Tampines 1! That is where I fell in love, once again, with the shop Diva. It might be expensive but it's delicious, literally, and if you look hard enough you can find good deals, like the 8 colourful headbands -they stay! truly!- for $10 only. [Which makes them one dollar aaaand.... forty cents? each. My mental maths is horrible. Sorry to all those teachers like Mr Jeremy Ang who tried valiantly to improve it :(] {-- HAHA THAT LOOKS SO CUTE! :(] anyway.
Then we ate JCO donuts. Which are very expensive ($1.30 each) but very tasteh! I ate tiramisu. Their labels are all very corny. "Tira I miss you!" or something like that. And whatever that banana or coconut one was, the one that made Ching Ying start SINGING! O: *coughetycough* haha, Ching Ying.
Theeeeen. we went to Ching Ying's scrapbooking shop which was very ex but very very nice [went back there with ZX and I promise, we spent like ONE HOUR there or something. eventually bought something for my dad, but not telling. AND THE MECHANICAL PENCILS I WANTED SO MUCH WERE $9+ :(] (there goes the cute smiley again). Then we walked around CS and TM where I ended up spending almost all my money.
-I DID spend two bucks at White Sands though! on a beautiful Iora necklace that was on sale! and I saw the perfectest dress at COAX, but it was 31 bucks. Oh well. And borrowed 2 bucks from CY to buy presents for my cousins from Comix Connections. (The keychains were 1 dollar each!)
Anyway. Had a lot of fun :D and took like, three pictures in all. wow. all outside White Sands lol. NICOLETTE CANNOT TAKE PICTUREEEES D: lol.
http://nymag.com/fashion/08/spring/44210 I find this article amusing and yet scary at the same time. These people wear a single colour every single day of their lives! It's like an OCD.
[slight distraction: my grandfather gave me a 7 Eleven bear! it's soooo cute! it's white with brown-black eyes and wears a Christmas hat and a red 7 Eleven sweater. eep!]
I found this article on MyStyle eye-catching but less helpful than I expected. It's on how to look lean when you're short [and I need those tips!] but I found I knew mostly everything there anyway. Bootcut jeans, I love; monochromatic, I've heard of but never tried because my whole wardrobe is about colour; Calvin Klein is too ex for me; I know perfectly well that I cannot put a huge bow on my bodice or waistline (although... does that mean I have to steer clear of my beloved babydolls?) and that I should focus on one interesting accessory at a time (I don't really see how that helps but I knew already that you cannot go over the top with accessories).
There was this one time, though, that I really loved my accessory: it was my first student-led conference in ISB and I wore my white school shirt with black school capris, together with my delicious black suede flats that I really miss (the sole kind of fell out so I had to throw them away) and this awesome chunky beaded necklace that my mother's friend handmade and sold to her. It's all in shades of blue and has little elements of stuff like pink and crystal. I seldom wear it because everything in my wardrobe is so loud already but that necklace is just plain awesome.
NOW I'M REALLY DYING TO START MUZE! why won't freedomain contact me already D: I'll come running,
3:51 AM
You Want A Piece Of Me?
Am currently addicted to mystyle.com. Am also dying to (a) GO BACK TO ISETAAAN! PLEEEEZEEEE! I HAVE TO BUY THAT KAFTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always end up killing myself with regret after a trip to the mall because there's always something that I see, I like, I say "Maybe later", I end up not buying, I END UP REGRETTING. That kaftan was flowery, light, breezy, beautiful and CHEAP. GRAH! [on the bright side: If I had bought it I probably wouldn't have had enough money for either the movie or dad's presents.] (b) update Muze. but I have to work on the layout first and the layout just isn't working for me so that's.... aggravating.
Went out with ZX today to Tampines. John the Carrot was supposed to come but cancelled at the last minute because of his practice. Hmph. ZX had practice too but managed to get away early. If he hadn't come I probably would've gone to TM anyway. AND BOUGHT THAT DELISH KAFTAN. DAMNETY. I'll come running,
3:22 AM
It's A Small World After Aaaall!
I had never thought I'd believe that song, really. When my mum meets neighbours-from-ten-years-ago or professors-from-her-university or pops into her best friends at the mall or something, she always exclaims, "It's a small world!" but I'm always like, skeptical. Until recently, when I got embroiled in what I call the NYPS-HPPS-RI-HCI-RGS (I haven't decided on the name yet :D) Whirlwind. It turns out that Zhong Xuan knows Eugene who knows Ash (blackmail, ZX, BLACKMAIL) who knows Nicolette who might just know Eugene who also knows Rei who knows Zhong Xuan who probably knows A WHOLE HELL OF OTHER PEOPLE. Wow.
And might this Ash be steamedbeetle? IF SHE IS THEN I AM GOING TO COLLAPSE. Seriously. 'Tis too small a world to be true. I'll come running,
Sunday, June 21, 2009 /
3:50 AM
I am, again, dying to watch The Notebook and A Walk To Remember. Watching The Notebook's trailer, I inevitably mixed up the Ryan in it (Ryan Gosling) with two other Ryans, Ryan Eggold and Ryan Reynolds. And I suddenly wondered, hey, is it just me or do ALL THREE LOOK DISTURBINGLY ALIKE?? Here are their pictures. (from left to right: Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Eggold and... oops! Ryan Hreljac :P) ...okay, so they don't look SO alike. but there WAS a pic of Gosling with curly hair, where he looks extraordinarily like Hreljac. AND RYAN GOSLING WOULD BE MUCH CUTER IF HE REALIZED THAT HE CANNOT CANNOT EVER HAVE FACIAL HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! D: I'll come running,
It's still pending hosting by freedomain.co.nr. If I get the site's confirmation, the site will be www.muze.co.nr. Doesn't it look so pretty and professional? :D The blogskin used on Muze doesn't look that good yet, still working on it. I'll come running,
12:13 AM
My present for my father is GOING NOWHERE because I have NO INSPIRATION and anything I create looks PERFECTLY UGLY. I am so demoralized. Seriously. You'd think that with all the blogskins I've made this would be an easy job but NO IT'S NOT. SERIOUSLY. I feel like giving up. Maybe I should make something else... like maybe a blog with pictures and poems? THAT would be easier. Hmmm...
That said, I would like to create a blog called My Online Wishlist, or something like that, where I take latest trends/pictures I see/celebrities or anything like that and blog about it. Also stuff that I want, hence the name. I'm thinking of asking Sher to hop on but she's not online at the moment so that will have to wait.
And as for Nora Kensington, she's going nowhere either. I have NO IDEA how Meg Cabot does it. Her books look SO EASY to write. And I used to think, "Hmph! I could write those books in one hour each!" And now I know better. I'll come running,
Shu Ning's quest for a simple site on the history and origins of Hinduism -and her subsequent random chat with me- reminded me of the time when we went to Panya. We sang The Lion Sleeps Tonight around the campfire, with Christian, I think, playing the guitar, and all the guys were having fun with that pipe instrument thingum which all of us had never seen before.
Pooh, I'm getting all mushymushy again. I always get like that when I remember good times. And then I feel like writing a poem. And then I remember what Eva Mendes -or maybe it was Eva Longaria (??) Parker, I always get them mixed up- said in the InStyle I just read, "I'm really good at writing bad poems." Same here, Eva-whoeveryouare, same here.
I see them walking down the street, holding hands, and I remember
I see him buying flowers just because he felt like it, and I remember
I see her dancing because he makes her feel so loved, and I remember
I remember us walking down the street, holding hands, and others saw us
I remember you buying flowers just because you felt like it, and others saw you
I remember dancing because you made me feel so loved, and others saw me
But we aren't gonna hold hands any more, are we You aren't gonna buy flowers any more, are you And I'm not gonna dance any more, am I Because all that's in the past You don't love me any more.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I HAVE A HUGE CASE OF WRITER'S BLOCK D: and writer's insecurity, if there is such a thing. I'm convinced that I'm incapable of writing anything which anyone would willingly buy. My books would be the kinds that would be on 90% discount, and this conversation would take place very often:
Mother: Buy this book lah, 90% discount leh! Kid: No, very boring! See! Mother: But it's five dollars only! You read lah! Scully very good leh then how? Kid: Very boring! Mother: I buy you read! Kid: No! No! No! Mother: *gives up* Book: x_____________x
Okay. Here's a list of my ambitions, in order of likeliness:
How does it feel like, to know you’d met the love of your life but turned him away?
I had always pondered that question, when I was young and naïve and knew nothing about love. In my teenage years I had thought that one would be foolish to turn love away, especially when true love is so rare and so special. But I was twenty when I found out how it felt like. I was twenty and he was reaching thirty –twenty-seven, to be exact. Not only was there a brilliant age gap- there was somebody else. Someone who’d been the love of his life, and it was his life that mattered- not mine.
At least that’s what I’d thought she was, I reflected, as I stopped the car along the road. I’d taken the car because I needed some time alone to think. I remembered the bus ride home, so many years ago. I had needed something crowded and noisy to distract me from my convoluted train of thoughts. An aeroplane’s hygiene and good service would have been welcome, but I was in a rush and no flight could have been available at such short notice. In any case, I welcomed the bus’s million passengers and their chatter with open arms. For half a day I was occupied with eavesdropping, bits of other people’s lives distracting me from mine.
How was my life then? It was a mess. I’d been expected to stay out in that remote eco-village “in the middle of nowhere”, as I’d called it, for six whole months, studying the villagers’ sustainable lifestyle for an article. Little had I known that I would come back two months early, with more of a Nicholas Sparks novel than an inspirational report to send to Reader’s Digest. And when I did finish writing my report it lacked the good quality I promised. Even the editor, whom I had never met, knew something was up.
It was she who had told me to take a break from my career as a freelance journalist. It’s been almost five years and I still can’t think of anything to write. They say you should only write about the things you know, and what do I know?
I only know of tragedy- of a love that I had, that I have, that I lost. This is my attempt to put that loss to paper.
Am currently in a drowning conversation with ZXTHEGAY and JOHNTHECARROT. It's drowning because JOHNTHECARROT is too obsessed with Maple to ever reply our questions and therefore I highly doubt that we will even get to meet up on Monday. Seriously. IT'S ALL CARROT'S FAULT D:
Today was really fun (: Went to Changi Airport T1 Staff Canteen for lunch with Uncle Andrew, got to eat my beloved kuaytiao for the first time in probably a year or more. Seriously. But since I woke up really late (11ish :X) I didn't eat much. Oh well. The kuaytiao was starchier than I remembered. Nicole had to leave early and the rest of the time we were just staring at the adults talking. ;_;
Then we went to SAFRA! WHICH WAS MUCH MORE FUN! met up with Uncle Seng Hok, Auntie Siew Hoon, Bernard and Elaine. Eugene was out with friends. right? anyway. bowling! which I am super bad at but at least I beat mum in the second game (which was my goal :D my second goal was to get more than 37 and I got 70+. so).
then played pool (WHY DO I KEEP CALLING IT POKER ._. erge keeps laughing at me. because I called it poker. and he was. well. laughing at me) with Bernard, Elaine and erge. and all of them are good. seriously. it was my first time playing AND I COULDNT HIT ANYTHING ): oh well.
okay, finally settled with carrot and gaycow. DEADgaycow.
will try to post prologue of my story in the next post. after editing. because right now it's really bad. and if you're wondering about the title it's because that's the title of my character. [yes, I am GUILTY of writing about angmohs because their names sound nicer. XD and also they can have stuff like blue eyes without having to get coloured contacts.] I'll come running,
Friday, June 19, 2009 /
8:40 AM
Go behind my back and call my friend/Boy you must've gone and bumped your head/'Cos you left her number on your phone! -JoJo, 'Leave (Get Out)'
Wonder what JoJo was doing checking her BF's cell phone...
LOL that was from my April archives. You know, my posts used to be this long? and semi-serious? After stumbling upon Eugene's blog (more later) I got that feeling, the one I call the Ryan Hreljac On Facebook feeling.
It's the one where you start getting these "Ouch. I'm dumb." vibes, and the "I always thought I was pretty much a genius, but..." things. Damn. LOL.
JUST READ THE DAMN GUY'S BLOG AND YOU'LL SEE WHY D: sorry Eugene, if you're seeing this and you're like, "damn guy. wow." but seriously. you write TOO WELL. and I have very little writing genes, contrary to what I might have thought sometime ago.
I think I might post some of my work here. If I deem it good enough. Because, you see, nowadays I'm starting to get cold feet about my plot. It doesnt seem... believeable. Here it is:
I X-ed the following part because it sounded really, really, REALLY stupid. Let's just say that for now, Nora Kensington is a twenty-something freelance journalist. I'll come running,
7:42 AM
"Well, They're Guys..."
I have learned the art of feminism from Sr. E. And my mum.
Well, not really feminism. Just the art of believing that since we're girls, guys should do the gentlemanly work. :D
How I came about this topic? Wanting to meet up with ZX and John on Monday but ZX lives in Thompson and John lives in Simei and I'm staying in Bedok. wow.
Makes you appreciate how small Singapore is. and yet it seems so big. WHY DONT WE ALL BUY JET PLANES D: I'll come running,
Thursday, June 18, 2009 /
7:47 AM
Soothe You
DONTCHA LOVE THIS SKIN :D YOU BET YOU DO :D though toomunch fans will probably think I stole it. anyway, this girl has better things to do! better fish to fry! like sleep. I slept at midnight yesterday and woke up at 9, which made even my mother very very very surprised indeed. and now I am feeling slightly. droopy. which is not a very good adj but you get my point. right? :D rate this skin, will you. it's not the same on BS.com. it's white bg and lyrics of Miserable At Best there. but you *will* rate it 5 stars and fave it, @ http://blogskins.com/info/277086. buhbye. going to update TAC then hit the hay. hit it very very hard. I'll come running,
Miserable At Best- Mayday Parade Now, this isn't the kind of music I have a habit of listening to, but I have to admit the lyrics are haunting me. I kind of like this song and I don't even like the singers!! [I mean, one of them sings like he has an overly -overtly?- exaggerated British accent. Listen to the part where he's like "sahcahnd guess" and "I know he's thaaare".]
It's so sad. Really. It's like, this guy (but really guys) who's losing his girl. And unlike other songs -this is what I like about it- it's not before the relationship (e.g. Hey Stephen) and it's not after (e.g. When There Was Me And You). So it's not crush-pining-for-you, and it's not emo-pining-for-you either. And this guy in the song, it's like, he's willing to let her go, but he's telling her that without you I'd be miserable at best.
I think I just (totally unintentionally) slightly dissed an SHPS junior whom I didn't know about. But I don't think she's from GEP. In fact I know she's not from GEP. She's thirteen, which means she must've been in Ruthanne's batch.
I stumbled upon her because she totally did NOT read skin description and rated my skin 4 stars, saying, "good try. rate mine? [link]" which is the kind of thing that really makes me lose it. So I commented, I'm going to lose it, READ SKIN DESCRIPTION EVERYONE! when I posted it I found she'd deleted her comment so I deleted mine too. then I posted a note reminding everyone to please please read skin description!!! then a few minutes later she posted back with no rating, same comment, saying the colours were too light to see. now I know why maybe heroine was so damn mad at me when I said the headers couldn't be seen. I was too vague (lol, vaguely) and so's my little junior.
so I went to her personal blog and fuddled around her links to see if she was really an SHPS junior of mine, and stumbled upon her friend's blog which clarified my guess. then I had the horror of scrolling down to read her post, which said something like, "we byebyed each other." which totally scares me.
I am being condescending, I know. but it's as scary as twit talk!! mrs. simon would die. and I really need to change this skin. it's starting to get on my nerves with all its blue-ness. I'll come running,
10:24 PM
http://blogskins.com/info/276932 I'm afraid I come across as overly hyper on the blog info :X haha but I really really love the soundtrack!! and I really like how the skin's turned out. (@SHER: for a nonnavigational skin you have to admit it's not bad. from me. cos I always do navigationals.)
in fact I think I'm going to change it into a navigational one for this blog. what do you think? :D :D :D or you belong with me. I cannot decide ): I'll come running,
I am in love with the movie Once's soundtrack. I'm serious. You can listen to the first track, Falling Slowly, here. (Don't expect Kris Allen, though. His version is a little different, slightly rougher.) Other songs on the soundtrack are at Related Videos on the right. I'm really looking forward to listening to Broken Hearted Hoover Sucker Guy, even if it is only 54 seconds. I laughed my butt off when that song played on the movie!!
Made a 17 icons and 3 banners of The Lake House yesterday at the airport, but they're all very bad (the icons) so I'm planning on remaking them. But now because of the soundtrack, Once is taking priority :D I also got inspiration for blogskins! Eep! I'll come running,
2:45 AM
I just realized that all this time, I was working so diligently to work on my post titles. You know- every single post titles is Capitalized, Like This, but my 200th post just destroyed it all. Damn. I should go edit it.
-Man is still not budging.
Anyway, I posted this to tell all those people out there, those people whom I probably don't know but live in Spain or UK or Mexico or something and stumbled onto my blog- WILL YOU PEOPLE PLEASE TAG??? D: I would really like to have maybe some Jose person, or Ana, come and say, Hola! Como estas? Me gusta tu blog. Or however you say it.
Or even in like, Czech, or something, I don't mind :D I say Czech because the girl in Once was Czech and I find her very cool :D ocean is... shoot I cant remember. ohsan? OTTSAN! yes, I think that was it.
am currently in the suvarnabhumi airport at coffee world or smth using their wireless. and i dont know why, but the minute my mum stepped out to go boot's, this big MAN comes and sits at MY table, puts his bag down, smiles briefly and orders a coffee. this is somewhat creeping me out. esp since MY MUM IS TAKING VERY LONG and this man kind of smells funny. and he like, stirs his coffee and does nothing.
I am kind of thinking of surrendering my wireless and going off someplace else, maybe to bug my mum to buy me Miss Dior Cherie perfume or something. last time we had a hell of a time going to perfumes and cosmetics and bumming all the salespeople off by trying every single perfume in existence :D I must say I dont really find any difference in the aromas, or whatever. but I do love YSL pink lipstick. I am somewhat into the whole Katy-Perry-lips look. somehow.
all-new on my favourite movie list: once, the lake house am going to do banners/icons of both movies soon :D maybe now?
came back from kanchanaburi yesterday at fourish :D slacked around, got a little upset, then went to Man U cafe where I found out that their french fries are very, VERY tasty :D and their Old Trafford fish + chips were one of the first (first?) that I could actually finish. (granted, I felt like a pregnant whale after that.)
watched aforementioned movies (1) in the rented van on the way to kanchanaburi [awesome big screen!] and (2) using my portable dvd player in the hotel, which was very basic, very cheap, very full-of-flies but very fantastic :D
ate lotsa Lays (I LOVE THEIR MEXICAN BBQ FLAVOUR :D, and no, Mum, I have not started to spell 'flavour' as 'flavor'... yet) and played one game of Pictionary, where we lost devastatingly to my parents. it was so unfair! D: oh well. I am a total sore loser when it comes to Pictionary, cos the chances of our parents winning are like, one in a gazillion. so you see!
went to hellfire pass which was very tragic. and full of funny insects. and also full of steep, steep steps that left my calves trembling even now. [it was worse then; at the hellfire pass I couldn't stand still and straight without my legs crumbling beneath me.] we also visited two waterfalls and discovered an awesome little stall which sold roti-prata-like pancakes with condensed milk, bananas and eggs. very awesome :D
one of the waterfalls we visited was erawan waterfall, which, I think, the sixth graders visit. THE FISH SCARE ME. A LOT. they nibble. and their nibbles tickle. I fell into my bad habit of screaming in a public place of nature. my mother was like, STOP SCREAMING! but I was totally petrified by those fish, okay. they were this big and wouldn't leave the place we were at. pfft.
went to mbk today cos my brothers wanted to alter some jeans of theirs. my mum also made these pretty cool namecards -white with silver font. bought some pressies -not divulging anything except the fact that I recently learned I cannot wrap anything that is not totally flat, square and boring- and can't wait to give them out in singapore :D wanting to meet up with chingying especially, and nicolette cos we havent met in ages. also the two people who introduced me to island creamery, you know who you are, yes?
gtg for dinner. I think one of my molars is shaky. it hurts like craaazy. I'll come running,